Ginza, Egypt, 2005
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Sunday, September 30th 143/336
Today all of my running around SF like the social butterfly I am has finally caught up with me. I had to sleep on the couch from 9:00 to 1:00. The only side today is moderate fatigue so I'm a happy camper. I took it slow and easy today. Tomorrow is October and it is one of my favorite times of the year. Today they had open house at the loft and they had 20 people with 2 interested parties. Maybe we can sell it after all, although I don't mind keeping it. My hair has gotten very sparse, doesn't grow and what's left is changing to blond. Time to give my self another haircut. All in all, things are groovy and I'm happy-go Prozac!
Ginza, Egypt, 2005
Ginza, Egypt, 2005
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Saturday, September 29th 142/336
I woke up today around 7:30 and then I went to have coffee with my old friend Colleen. it was nice to see her and she was looking well. Dinner last night with Jimmy and Anne and David was at Bacco and it was fabu. I had a great couple of days renewing old friendships. It's been nice to feel regular and to be able to do all the things I used to be able to do. I drove home to Sacramento around noon and when I got there I finally had to take a 2 hour nap. Bye for now.
Lone Sail Boat Under the Golden Gate bridge, 2000
Lone Sail Boat Under the Golden Gate bridge, 2000
Friday, September 28, 2007
Friday, September 28th 141/336
Another great day! I don't know what's going on but I like it. Feeling pertty normal. Got my car washed, once a year, whether it needs it or not. Did coffee with the gorgeous Allison and lunch with my old friend Mike. Dinner coming up with Jimmy and David. Jimmy want to Dallas last week and met a woman and as they were doing hanky panky, he pulled her hair and she bit him hard in a very tender spot. Oh the evils of alcohol! My Wi-Fi is out so I have to walk around the neighborhood hacking to get online. Back to Sac tomorrow afternoon. Bye for now.
Jackson Pollack, MOMA 2003
Jackson Pollack, MOMA 2003

Thursday, September 27, 2007
Thursday, September 27th 140/336 Shot #21
Yet another good day. I went to the Dr's today and everything is full speed ahead. The blood work is good. My hemoglobin started at 16 and is down to 12.1 after 20 weeks. If I go below 10 they will prescribe a drug named Procrit which treats anemia. I still have quite a ways to go before I get there. I drove to SF and took our alarm clock to Tiffany's for a new battery. Shopping at Nordie's and Bloomies but nothing caught my eye. Checked in the loft, took my shot and then walked to Houston's restaurant for the world's best veggie burger and fries. Tomorrow it's lunch with Mike and dinner with Anne, David and Jimmy. I may throw in coffee with Allison in the afternoon. Saturday It's coffee with Colleen(strict instructions from M on this one)and maybe lunch with Millicent. I hope I can manage all of this as it's very ambitious. Bye for now.
Battery Park, NYC, 1998
Battery Park, NYC, 1998

Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Wednseday, September 26 139/336
The hits keep happening, another great day! This has been a good, good week. I'm going to keep my loft on the market until November 1st. If it isn't sold, I'll just have to keep it, Oh well. M's ex husband(TVB) and I went to starbuck's this morning. I spent a good part of the day by the pool reading a book. In to see the doctor & off to SF tomorrow. Shot 21 is tomorrow and I await the magical mystery tour results. Things are sounding better in my law suit as it seems the Insurance is going to cover us. Bye for now.
The Lucci Family, 1970
The Lucci Family, 1970

Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Tuesday, September 25th 138/336
Today was fabulous! Nothing in the way of tx side effects, Peg & Riba are playing hooky. Today we all went to Starbuck's, M her ex husband and me and the dog. After that we made a trip to home depot and bought paint for the deck. After that I went and bought a t-shirt, and then to the Post office to buy some stamps with flowers on them. I hope my good fortune continues for awile longer. It really feels good to feel good.
While I was driving home from Wyoming after I got away from 911 and CNN, I came across a whore house in the middle of nowhere in Nevada. It was called Donna's Ranch. I have a friend named Donna so I thought it would make a nice photo. When I turned to go, I saw this black sky with this blank white billboard. And for those of you wondering, I did not go inside to sample the candies. Bye for now.
Interstate 80, Nevada, 2001
While I was driving home from Wyoming after I got away from 911 and CNN, I came across a whore house in the middle of nowhere in Nevada. It was called Donna's Ranch. I have a friend named Donna so I thought it would make a nice photo. When I turned to go, I saw this black sky with this blank white billboard. And for those of you wondering, I did not go inside to sample the candies. Bye for now.
Interstate 80, Nevada, 2001

Monday, September 24, 2007
Monday, September 24th 137/336
Another easy day in the land of tx. I went for a 3 mile walk in the park with the dog and I didn't get too fatigued. Bad news on my loft sale, the wife nixed it. Oh well, bring meanother one. I found out today about a nasty law suit that has come about from when I owned the real estate company. Time will tell how much it will cost but it seems as though it's not going to be good. I'm very excited about the NYC trip. Bye for now.
Greece, 2002
Greece, 2002

Sunday, September 23, 2007
Sunday, September 23rd 136/336
A really good day in the world of TX. It's almost like feeling human again. I got up at 8:30 and didn't go back to bed. Went to the bike store, OSH, Peet's coffee, and Target. I booked a trip for M and myself to NYC arriving December 1st, departing December 6th. We have a friend we met on Craig's list who has a loft that we have traded SF for in the past. He still owes us 2 more visits so I need to get a little more current. I'm happy that I feel normal today, I'll never figure these meds out as they truly have a mind of their own. Bye for now.
Baker Beach, SF 2000, 106 degrees
Baker Beach, SF 2000, 106 degrees
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Saturday, September 22nd 135/336
Did the usual this morning, got up, had breakfast and the went back to bed till 11:30. I always feel as though I need a crane to lift me out of bed. The rest of the day was good with no problems except the usual tiredness. My loft is in contract and it will close just before Thanksgiving. I got a good price and I am pleased with the outcome. M and I will be going to SF every weekend to take a load to Carmichael. This afternoon we went to a movie called "Eastern Promises". It's about the Russian mob in London and it was very good, albeit a little bloody. Bye for now.
Laundry Day on the Isle of Lesvos, Greece 2002
Laundry Day on the Isle of Lesvos, Greece 2002

Friday, September 21, 2007
Friday, September 21st, 134/336
I took my shot yesterday and I had a little trouble sleeping. I was up several times with weird dreams. Got up for breakfast and then went back to sleep until 11:30. When I got up I felt good and M and I and the dog walked the 2 miles to the river and back. The weather is so beautiful, 80 degrees and clear. we're $5,000.00 apart on my offer so we'll see what happens. The market is sideways but I've had 2 offers over asking in 2 weeks so the price is right. I am thinking I should have listed for $929 instead of $899. The buyers are spooked and drunk with power, the agents are in a panic and I could care less if I sell it this time around. It we'll be worth more in the spring, SF Real estate is still appreciating and spring always brings a surge. So, we'll see what happens. Bye for now.
Times Square, 2002
Times Square, 2002
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Thursday, September 20th, 133/336 Shot#20
Today, Peg and Riba took the day off. I feel good with a lot of energy. M and I went on a 2 mile walk with the dog. Today was the first day I was out of my PJ's in 4 days.
I have another offer on my SF loft and it might work. The buyer has 30% down which is great. I have my fingers crossed we can get the buyer up a little. I have now watched every "Criminal Intent" in existence and now I'm starting to watch all of the "without A Trace". I love Tivo. I took my shot at noon and nothing has happed yet. Bye for now.
Three Aspens, Wyoming 2001
I have another offer on my SF loft and it might work. The buyer has 30% down which is great. I have my fingers crossed we can get the buyer up a little. I have now watched every "Criminal Intent" in existence and now I'm starting to watch all of the "without A Trace". I love Tivo. I took my shot at noon and nothing has happed yet. Bye for now.
Three Aspens, Wyoming 2001
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Wednesday, September 19th 132/336
Not a bad day all in all. The anti-biotic side effects are leaving. The offer on my SF loft that I countered yesterday took their ball and went home. According to their agent they had "moved on emotionally". I guess we had a one night stand so to speak. Aren't the realtors a funny group. So, open sunday 2-4. We are in the midst of a beautiful hail storm which is very uncommon for this time of year. Tomorrow I take shot #20, what a long strange trip it has been. Bye for now.
The Sign Above the Million Dollar Cowboy Bar in Jackson Hole, Wyoming, 2001
The Sign Above the Million Dollar Cowboy Bar in Jackson Hole, Wyoming, 2001

Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Tuesday, September 18th 131/336
I received an offer on my SF loft and it came in Over 900 which is good. The other offer crapped their pants and never came in. We countered the offer and we'll see if they come back. I have to quit taking the antibiotics as they are really making me sick. Plus I quit drinking coffee 3 days ago(stupid) and I may be experiencing a baby vicodin withdrawl. All in all I have a serious case of AFU (all fucked up) Bye for now.
Big Sky, 2000
Big Sky, 2000

Monday, September 17, 2007
Monday, September 17th 130/336
I went to the doctor this morning and my wound is healing nicely. Treatment drags on and I am dealing with it. They had open house for my SF loft and they said they thought it would sell this week. As of Monday night and we have one offer and another on the way. The anti biotics I'm taking drain the good bacteria from my stomach which then leads to sores in my mouth. I had sushi for dinne and it was great. Hopefully tommorrow will be a good day. Bye for now.
5th & 57th, NYC 2000
5th & 57th, NYC 2000

Sunday, September 16, 2007
Sunday, Septemebr 16th 129/336
This treatment is about 200 days longer than it should be. Not a bad day, all things considered. Tired and exahuasted all the time, but what else is new. Woke up, took my 11 pills and then watched auto racing and then golf. My goal for the day was to take out the garbage and the green waste for pickup tommorrow and that has been accomplished. Goal 2, take a shower and then give myself a haircut. Bye for now.
Penelope, 1978
Penelope, 1978

Saturday, September 15, 2007
Saturday, September 15th 128/336
The party last night was a smash and it lasted until 1:30. I went to the party and then to bed and then to the party. Magda's parents have left the building and have gone home to Chicago. My ass abcess is almost gone and I have quit taking the vicodin. I took a total of 5 which is what was called for. No more, no less. Staying up until 2:30 last night was a mistake as I am paying the price today. Interferon sx's, anti-biotic sx's, infection sx etc are all beating me up. Thank goodness for Prozac. Bye for now.
Southern Idaho, 2001
Southern Idaho, 2001

Friday, September 14, 2007
Friday, September 14th 127/336
Vicodin is a wonderful thing. I'm trying to keep it to 1 or 2 a day so I don't get too strung out, you know, sobriety violation and all that. And yes, my ass still hurts. The gauze interacted with the scab formation and they have become one. I cut out most of the gauze bit there is still a tuft mixed with the scab. It's draining nicely and it seems to me getting smaller. I can certainly empasize with the women in the audience as I have to change my pad 3 or 4 times a day. Literally, a pain in the ass. Brother is still in pain post surgery and ready to assassinate the pain management people. We are having a party tonight for Misako so I've been resting up for it. I hope to make it for a couple of hours. Off to the bath, bye for now.
Swan Valley Idaho, The Day after 911
Swan Valley Idaho, The Day after 911

Thursday, September 13, 2007
Thursday, September 13th 126/336 Shot #19
I Went to the GI today before I went to the IV. The GI took one look at the abcess and said, "you're going to surgery. When I got to surgery I met the prettiest young woman who couldn't have been a surgeon for more than 10 minutes. She shot the abcess with pain killer 5 times and then cut a lot of it out. The pain was way worse than when I had kidney stones. The good news is that they switched the antibiotics yet again and I don't have to have any more IV's. I came home and went to bed. I have switched my shot back to Thursday and I just did it. So, today I have had 19 pills, a shot of interferon, and surgery. Brother is doing better. Bye for now.
Greek Door, 2002
Greek Door, 2002

Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Wednesday, September 12th, 125/336
Kavorkian never made it last night so I'm still here. The Hep C war has wounded me once again. Supposedly, they are all dead, but the meds are taking their toll. I have a huge abcess on my ass, very unpleasant!. Back into Kaiser today. When they called me and I stood up, a bunch of blood and pus shot down my leg. The Doctor took one look at it and said "you need and IV!" I got an IV of antibiotics, great lunch, highly recommended, back tomorrow for another IV and again on Friday. I also go to my GI Dr tomorrow as she wants to look at my ass too. They also gave me some antibiotics in pill form to take. My brother's knee replacement surgery has complications as he is in agony and they can't control the pain. The Lee brothers are a mess. Bye for now.
Charlie Walker Beach, Maui 1996
Charlie Walker Beach, Maui 1996
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Tuesday September 11th 124/336
I have this nasty abcess on my ass about the size of of a plum. I can hardly walk, have chills and fever and headache etc. I'm ready to call Dr Kevorkian! My regular Dr called me tonight and called in some pain pills and she's awaiting the results of the specimen. I just finished watching United flight #93 and it was very moving. I keep trying to plan our RTW trip but I can't concentrate enough to talk on the phone. My brother had his knee replaced today. 2.5 hour operation went well. He's sick from the anestetics. Back to kaiser tomorrow. My geishia Misako came by tonight and got in bed with me, I feel better already. Bye for now.
The Little Blue Church, Big Island 2001
The Little Blue Church, Big Island 2001
Monday, September 10, 2007
Monday, September 10th 123/336
I went to see the doctor today about the abscess on my butt. My regular doc called in sick so I had a new doctor. First she wanted to start an anti-biotic IV drip. I said no to that. Next she wanted to give me sulfa drugs. I said no to that as they will throw off my liver panel. I told her she needed to biopsy it and send it to the lab so she could see how to treat it. I then asked her to give me some Keflex until we figure out what it is. I think that I would go to med school if I could pass chemistry because some of these people are really clueless.
I went to Sac State today and withdrew and I got back all of my money. Now I have to have the GI give me a note for an indefinite leave of absence.
My loft in SF was open yesterday and they had about 30 people through it. The agent said it was well recieved.
My in-laws are still here.
Bye for now.
Bumper Cars, 1978
I went to Sac State today and withdrew and I got back all of my money. Now I have to have the GI give me a note for an indefinite leave of absence.
My loft in SF was open yesterday and they had about 30 people through it. The agent said it was well recieved.
My in-laws are still here.
Bye for now.
Bumper Cars, 1978
Sunday, September 09, 2007
Sunday, September 9th 122/336
Magda's parents are here for Chicago for the night and then tomorrow they are off to SF. I have developed yet another infection and I think it might be making me sicker. The Ribavire\an destroyes one's Hemoglobin, White blood cell count, and Platlets, all of which leaves me open to infections.
My friends Jonathan and Gretchen came home from a 4 month world wide trip and they were the victims of the "fake bird poop" scam in Barcelona. Pickpockets drop a bunch of cat shit on you from above and then help you clean up, as they do, they pick your wallet. Bye for now.
Ex Wife, Mazatlan, 1978
My friends Jonathan and Gretchen came home from a 4 month world wide trip and they were the victims of the "fake bird poop" scam in Barcelona. Pickpockets drop a bunch of cat shit on you from above and then help you clean up, as they do, they pick your wallet. Bye for now.
Ex Wife, Mazatlan, 1978
Saturday, September 08, 2007
Saturday, September 8th 121/336
Another lifeless day in the neighborhood. M and I went for a walk to the river and back and I could hardly make it up the hill. 121 days of Peg and Riba poison have finally taken their toll. I'm really tired all the time and I can't concentrate to read my school books to the point where they make sense. So, I have dropped all my classes for the semester and school is out for the year for the big T. I couldn't face 4 months of it for the sake of proving that I could do it. If I don't enjoy it, then why bother. Bye for now.
Our kitchen
Our kitchen
Friday, September 07, 2007
Friday, September 7th 120/336
Today was an ass kicker! It seems to be a pattern where the interferon hits 40-50 hours post injection. I stayed under the covers most of the day. The gardners came with their leaf blowers and I had homicidal ideation! Thank goodness they left when they did as they avoided a certain death. I got some bad news today, my primary care physician is leaving Kaiser. I suspect she was confronted for ordering too many tests for her patients. She was truly the bomb! When I went to her as a new patient she ordered 26 tests. She made me aware of my disease and referred me out to the GI for a biopsy. My Kaiser Doctor in SF never said a word for 16 years! Of course they made him director of medicine for all of SF because he saved Kaiser so much money. Bye for now.
Biker Billy
Biker Billy

Thursday, September 06, 2007
thursday, September 6th 119/336
Woke up today feeling good. Not a bad day at all considering I did my shot yesterday. Today I took it easy(whatelse is new). I went to Walgreens is all. Read a school book, did the crossword and then started planning my post tx trip with M. I have 700k miles on Delta and I'm starting the process for 2 1st class round the world tickets. I have to book each leg 331 days prior to departure to make it work. Tommorrow I'll try to book SFO to Rio. Bye for now.
Shirt, 1978
Shirt, 1978
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
Wednesday, September 5th 118/336 Shot #18
Woke up after my 11 hours of zzz's feeling good. Went to Starbuck's and then off to Sac State for my 1st day of class. I have Rosi Gilday again for Art Criticism and she is so nice. No exams this time, just papers. The next class was another story. Latin American History with Elaine O'brien looks like a nightmare. 3 text books and 21 articles, 10 page paper, reading journal, field trips, quiz every week, 20 minute Powerpoint presentation etc. What really put me over the edge was the hour it took her
to go through the course syllibus. At the end, she had the nerve to say that we would be tested on the syillibus September 19th. Sillybus is more like it. She has been dropped!
I moved my shot up a day to Wednesday to see if it works around my school better. Stay tuned and Bye for now.
Imaginary Valley, 2002
to go through the course syllibus. At the end, she had the nerve to say that we would be tested on the syillibus September 19th. Sillybus is more like it. She has been dropped!
I moved my shot up a day to Wednesday to see if it works around my school better. Stay tuned and Bye for now.
Imaginary Valley, 2002
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
Tuesday, September 4th 117/336
Finally a decent day! Feeling good all day. Week 17 has been the toughest yet. M's ex came back from Burning Man and we all went to Starbuck's for coffee. I actually went to the gym today and I took it slow but evrything went well. I set my weights at about 80% of the usual and that seemed to work well. I start school tomorrow and I have signed up for 3 classes. I think I'll end up taking one or 2. Bye for now.
Marco Polo, New Zealand, 1996
Marco Polo, New Zealand, 1996
Monday, September 03, 2007
Monday, September 3rd 116/336
Slept the usual 11 hours. Today was much better, not great but better. I got out of the house and went to Peet's for coffee and then on to Whole Foods with M and the dog. I read the newspaper and did the crossword puzzle while M bought the groceries. Today I felt like I had melted and become a puddle. This is OK when compared to having "Chemo Brain".
I had the nicest dream last night. I dreamed that I wasn't sick and that I had energy to burn and that my head was clear. It actually made me remember what it was like and what it will be like when I'm done. Bye for now.
I had the nicest dream last night. I dreamed that I wasn't sick and that I had energy to burn and that my head was clear. It actually made me remember what it was like and what it will be like when I'm done. Bye for now.
Sunday, September 02, 2007
Sunday, September 2nd 116/336
Week 17 continues to be a challenge, or better yet, a huge pain in the ass. I was very tired and pretty sick most of the day. Nausea is a new side that's presented itself this week. If things don't turn around pretty soon, I think I'm going to have to skip school this semester. it's the end of the 5th round od a 15 round boxing match and Peg and Riba are really starting to land som punches. Hopefully, tomorrow will be better. Bye for now.
Martinique at Midnight, 2002
Martinique at Midnight, 2002
Saturday, September 01, 2007
Saturday, Sepember 1st 115/336
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