Thursday, June 07, 2007

Thursday, June 7th 29/336 Shot#5

I woke up today feeling groovy. I went to the doctor for my 4 week visit and bloods. I got back my 2 week results except for the Viral Load, very important result. They said they switched labs and they were behind----no shit!

The great news I did get is that I have gone from very close to diabetic to very normal glucose. My numbers are as follows.

Beginning /2 weeks

VL 5,200,000/??????

Hgb 15.8/15.5 (Hemoglobin)
Hct 47/48 (Hemocrit)
WBC 3.99/2.88 (White Blood Count)
ALT 201/102 (Liver funtion-lower is better)
AST 142/72 (Liver funtion-lower is better)
Gluc 115/86 (normal is 66-99)

It also may be a blessing that I missed the protease inhibitor arm of the trial in that it doesn't seem to be working much better than the standard of care I'm on. I addition, they are all going anemic very quickly and needing the supplemental drug procrit.

School is fun, bye for now.

US 80, The Middle of Nowhere, Nevada, 2001

1 comment:

TeaStarWitch said...

Your RBC looks good, hopefully it won't go down much.
Stay strong