Friday, June 15, 2007

Friday, May 15th 37/336

Hi, I took my shot last night and experienced the now usual tiredness today, it seems to hit about 18 hours after I inject. The shot knocks me down but not out. I just have to take it a little easier and take 2 or 3 naps during the day. I worked on my study guide for my up coming history test for a couple of hours and now I'm ready to test my memory. Luckily, the test has been pushed back to Thursday. It's been really warm here lately, today it hit 103. I stayed inside all day so not to care. The nurse finally called back with my 2 week viral load and I was unable to hear if it dropped a million or if it dropped to a million. I guess I'll have to wait until Monday. Bye for now.

Brooklyn Bridge, 1979

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