Friday, June 29, 2007

Friday, June 29th 51/336

I had my shot last night and the fatique hit me about 10:00am Today. I don't get any physical sides from the shot itself. Some people have chills, aches, fevers, headaches etc. I am fortunate that I sleep through the night without any of the preceeding. My only side to date has been the fatique. It's usually pretty intense on Friday, and then it gets better from there on. I hope to do a bike ride tommorrow.

I'm still very jazzed about my HVC viral load coming down to 410 in 6 weeks. Hopefully, the virus will be undetectable next blood test in a week. This is very encouraging in that, although I'm not a super responder, I am a rapid responder. The time it takes to clear the virus is a pretty good indicator of the likely hood of relapse. I believe that my VL response time raises my chances of "Sustained Viral Response" (Translate cure), substantially. Oh well, if I relapse, I'll just hit the tx again as it is doable for me. I'm glad that, after so much indecision, I decided to treat. I believe it was the right thing to do and for any of you "on the fence", I would do it again in a heartbeat. Bye for now

Growing Older, 1996

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