Tuesdays are usually good for me. I get a little fatigued but that's about it. The further away I get from the shot, the better I feel. Yesterday, i took a Guarrana pill so I could do well on my test. It really worked well. I got energy for a couple of hours and I think I did OK on the test, hopefully an A or B. Going to school while taking all of this crap is a challenge. So far, I'm able to do it. I have this thing where I have to get A's, if I don't, I feel as though I have failed. I really need to stop this as the A's are coming harder these days.
I am going to sell my loft in SF and I'm listing it with my step-daughter September 1st. I only use it once a month and I have become accustomed to living in Carmichael. With the proceeds, I can pay of my house. It's time in my life to be debt free. The building I own in Oklahoma is free and clear so mortgages ain't us.
The weather here is gorgeous, 88 degrees, very unusual for this time of the year. We usually feel like we live 10 miles form hell. Off to school tonight, only 8 more classes to go.
Charlie Johnson Beach, maui, 1999
Oh dear, the brain fog is worse than I thought!!! I'd sell the house in Oklahoma and use the money from that to pay off the loft in SF, unless you're worried about SF falling into the ocean during the next 'Big One,' then keeping a place in OK is a better idea!
Oklahoma is 24 lofts and a furniture store. I'm selling because I hardly ever go to SF
Guarana is my LOVE. It always works! It let me ski, it pulls me out the hole when I need to go somewhere. Great discovery for humans!
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