Saturday, August 18, 2007

Saturday, August 18th 101/336

Woke up this morning feeling groovy. A bagel, some yogurt, 2 prozacs, and back to sleep till 10:30. Today, I don't have the usual nasty Saturday sx's. Strange brew!

The stagers came in to my loft and made it looked loved. $2400.00 to have it look like pottery barn, I can complain, but my years in the biz tells me works. The price is $899,000 and we hope to see it go over asking. I feel OK selling as it's been 5 years and it's time to move on. The other good thing is that it will realize a big profit, tax free as it was my principal residence for 4 years.

Off to SF and bye for now.

This painting was how I learned to paint. I copied a painting that I liked by Chris Brown and when I was done it all had come together.


Not Blank said...

Schools out, no more papers to write - take some more pictures!

Terry Lee said...

Ok Mom!