And it's back to Hillary once again. She really did it this time; she has made it impossible for Obama to put her on the ticket. Here's the deal, she misspoke in South Dakota and implied that the race could end with an assination. This is true, but her bad judgement invites the following scenario right out of a Tom Clancy novel. Obama and Hillary win the election as president and vice president. One of Hillary's feminist robots decides to assasinate Obama and Hillary becomes the president. The election is determined by a single vote from the barrel of a gun. Hillary has planted the seed.
Hillary supporters charge sexism. In my view, Hillary has brought this on herself as a result of her multiple personality disorder, chronic lies, obvious bigotry and racism, bending the rules to suit her cause and her and Bill's smear tactics. Who needs to worry about republicans and Swift Boats when we have the Clinton's. In my opinion, Bill Clinton has become nothing more than a transparent, lying, has been.
Obama will win the nomination and he will win the election. I say this because, in reality, the feminists must support Obama or they lose the right to choose. Even though their hearts are broken from watching the failure of their Joan of Arc, they are faced with an impossible situation-they must vote Obama. Hillary's racists and rednecks(aka, hard working white people) will split. The republicans will take Pennsylvania and Florida and the Dems will take Michigan, Ohio, Texas and California.
Hillary's electability argument is nothing less than blatant racism. Judging from her recent perfomances, her argument the she is the more qualified candidate doesn't hold water. She has finally shown the world her true self, a lying, arrogant, ego manical and overly ambitious human being. The Clinton's are over and they need to be gracious and move on, although I'm afraid that they don't know how to do what is right. This is their fundamental failing.
Don't you people understand! I REALLY WANT TO BE PRESIDENT!!!!

Have you gotten your results back re. SVR? This stuff takes a long time to leave your brain. Take Care
Not yet as I never bothered to call. I'll find out when I go on July 3rd. Ignorance is bliss.
Let Hillary continue to rant. The more she rants the deaper she digs her grave!
We don't need her type of politics in the White House even as a Vice President!
Let her keep it up, Obama will take the ticket and she'll be swept under the carpet the way she deserves to be.
Her comments are dangerous even if she doesn't get to the White House as a Vice President. When Obama takes the ticket, she's already planted the idea. Let's hope that one of her followers isn't nuts enough to take revenge.
The woman is whacked and desperate!
You on the other hand sound Great! I can't believe that you don't want your results as soon as possible. You know it's good news! If it where anything but good news and your Doc. has the would have heard from him.
You never get a phone call right away when it's Good news! lol
Keep on Bikin' my friend!
The democratic race will be all over on Wednesday - just like Obama told you.
I haven't trusted the bitch since she didn't walk out on Bill over the Monica Lewinsky thing. There will be a woman president some day, but it won't be her.
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