Magda is out of school and she is a whirling dervish, the yard looks great and she's a whole lot of fun. Sometimes it's hard for my sorry old 60 year old ass to keep up with her.
I am still trying to adapt to internet banking and every day it's another surprise. Your money will be transferred into our bank on the 29th, except that it's 10:00pm and it ain't happening. I finally got Equifax to lift my credit freeze and I now have it set up so that I can put it on or off in 15 minutes. That was an ordeal..I have their phone number where you get a real person if you ever need it.
I bought a new apple computer and the change over from the old one was flawless, an unbelievable surprise.
Tomorrow we drive off to Oregon to pick up the new puppy. M has finally decided to name her Lola which I think is really cute. Tomorrow we go North as far as Mount Shasta and we spend the night on Jesse's ranch, no shower, no toilet, no nothing. Sounds like a blast, no more four seasons for me, I'm starting at the bottom and working my way back.
Our friend will be house sitting while we are away and we are having the house painted. The process leading up to the paint job has been difficult and painful as M likes the darks and I like the lights. We settled on a red bed room and light walls in the living, dining, and family room.
The painting is heading to a finish, this has taken a long time and I'm happy to see it coming to a close, maybe 10 more hours left.
All is well and bye for now

you look great witout loosing any weight!!
Lola is such a pretty name, I like it. Hope she can meet our baby girl soon as well. Can't wait to see the new paint on your beautiful home. Have a safe trip to oregon!
I loved the name Lola since the Kinks song! Billy doesn't know he's getting a kid sister, does he? I hope you & M have a great trip!
That 24 miles works out to about 700 calories. You might have burned about a pound's worth of calories in your week of cycling, practically undetectable due to fluid loss/gain.
You should not feel beat up from this amount of riding. Make sure that you are drinking enough water. At our age, we are more susceptible to dehydration. Also, do not ride hard more than once or twice a week, especially considering what you have gone through. Riding 5 or 6 times a week at an easy pace will do more for your conditioning than pushing hard every time you go out.
I can't wait to see pics of your new puppy! I hope all goes well on your journey.
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