Friday, July 04, 2008

Post TX-week 13 Saturday

Happy 4th of July!!
Yesterday I went for my 3 month post tx exam and blood tests. I received the results from my 30 day bloods and they were as follows:

Hgb 15.4
Hct 48
WBC 4.71
ALT 18
AST 24
Gluc 98
ANC 2990
Plts 247

I went into a trial sponsored by Sherring-Plough at the start of tx. The trial had 402 participants. My group in Sacramento had 7. We were randomly assigned as follows, everyone received the standard of care(SOC), Interferon and Ribaviran. 5 got SOC plus the study drug and 2 got SOC only(control group). I was one of the 2 in the control group.

The results that I have been able to ascertain are:

Study drug patients

1 dropped out after 30 days due to adverse side effects(aren't they all?)
1 had a viral breakthrough at 20 weeks and was pulled off treatment
2 have relapsed
1 was undetectable at 24 weeks

This is only a 20% cure rate for the study drug people

I haven't heard what happened to the other control group member and my chances are outlined below.

I will call on next Thursday to get the 3 months results. If my results are vl undetectable, then I have a 98% chance of a permanent cure. I am almost certain that that will be the case as I feel too damn good for the virus to be back. Time will tell, stay tuned, and

All is well and bye for now

This week's puppy photo


Laurie said...

Wow! Your counts look absolutely beautiful! You must feel awesome!

You'll be cleared, I just know it! I can't wait for you to get the results!

Jimmy and I are cheering for you!


My Other Blog said...

Some people who have relapsed say that if the virus is back, you can feel that it's back. Since you feel so good, I'm sure it's gone.
I'm crossing my fingers until you find out!
(BTW - which puppy am I supposed to be falling in love with? The one with more brown spots on its back - on the right of the picture - or the other one?)

Anonymous said...

You are promising, indeed...must feel terrific! congrats,
and the puppies are too cute!

Terry Lee said...

UC, the breeder hasn't decided which one she wants to keep yet.

hepkittie said...

ooo more puppy photos! thanks!

and so glad that you are feeling and doing swell - hope it continues.


Me said...

Terry, what is a viral breakthrough at 20 weeks?

Anonymous said...

Your numbers are looking fantastic! Ain't it grand?!

OMG - those puppies are simply adorable. I want both of 'em!

Anonymous said...

I can't believe it's not Thursday better post the moment you find out the suspence is killing me