I went to Oklahoma City to inspect the building I own and it looked great. I met wth the management company and then with the man who owns the furniture store on the ground floor. Rusty is a real good ole boy for sure, we got along famously and his business is doing very well. The whole state needs to get a personality, I mean, these people don't smile very often and laughter is rarer yet. When ever I eavesdropped on conversations around me it seemed they were all discussing their church. I was pleasantly surprised to hear a lot of the people were going to vote for Obama. I went to 2 movies while I was there as there is nothing else to do. Sex and the city was a scream and I liked "stays in Vegas". Thank goodness they finally built a Starbuck's Downtown. I went to the memorial for the bombing of the Murrah building and I was moved by the beauty of what has been built in it's place. All in all OKC is a very lonely town.
I finished booking our trip to Dubai and India for the month of October and I'm finding Dubai hotels to be really expensive. Next, I'm going to start booking our trip to South America for the month of November. It's a lot of work, but it will be a lot of fun.
I would like to see Hillary on the ticket as I think she would be good for health care changes so that everyone can get the basic care they need. She will need to tone down her rhetoric and accept her roll as VP but I think she would be good for the country. They will have to gag Bill as he has become the village idiot. As far as bringing the women along, who needs that? I mean, the Hillaristas aren't going to vote McCain. Obama and McCain are both men. So you cut off your nose to spite your face? Yes, many women are hurt and angry, but let's face it, a woman needs to have a right to choose. If McCain is elected, the women of America will be spending a lot of time in Mexico.
Oklahoma Bombing Memorial

Hi Terry. Thanks for still commenting on my blog, even though I'm bad at it.
I'm happy people are ready for a change and hopefully Obama will become next president. But South-East worreis me. Do you think they are ready for a black president?
OK time for me to add my two cents and add my political insight. I have always be a stong conservative with some liberal views, I am saying this so you know where "I come from". There are still people who look at the person and see color of skin, religion or sex only, but I do feel those numbers are dwindling. Obama has a real chance of winning as us republicians have offered a marginal canidate. We have seen the results of a politician who claims conserative values and at the same time supports liberal ideas. McCain is no different than what we already have. I am ready to elect a true liberal and see what he can do, I truly want him to prove me wrong in my conseravtive views and turn this corrupt country around. If he dosen't deliver, us conservatives will be almost guaranteed the Presidental office for the next 20 years. I trully believe you can't be both conservative, liberal and be effective.
Now onto the forgotten House and Senate. They are the ones who create the bills to be passed, the President only signs or vetos them, True a strong President can direct both houses, but ultimately our Representatives and Senators control the country. The D's have had control the past 6 months and we seem to continue the downslide we are in. Sadly, I believe there are about 6 people who control both houses and they are to blame. We need to collectively research the people running for these offices more than we do the ones running for president. We need to ask the hard questions, and then hold their feet to the fire. I can honestly say all politicians who represent me in local, state and national offices know my feeling on all issues that affect me and my busines. If we don't let them know our feelings they will always do what their bosses tell them to do. Ultimately, we deside if they continue their employement, or get "FIRED" every 2 or 4 years. Just because they say they support your views doesn't mean they do. NEWS FLASH politicians lie, they think we are stupid or lazy and won't follow their votes. If you follow their votes and call them out on them, the lies stop.
Bitching to friends and family won't straighten our plight out. Staying in touch with our employees (politicians)and letting them know how we feel about their job performance will.
I have and will continue to support the men and women who put their constituants wishes above their own personal goals and gains.
OK I am happy again.
It seems to me that the lobbyists are in control. If we elect politicians who cater to the people, rather than to the special interests we can mov e forward. The internet is changing the political landscape very quickly. Hope your doing well.
I think you're right about this area of the country, it seems all folks do is discuss their church. Ugh.
Every now and then though you meet people that have a different perspective or focus in this area. That's always refreshing.
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