The visas needed for the fall trips are a pain in the ass. Bolivia wants 120.00 and send the passports to DC with all kinds of documentation. Brazil wants 130.00 and you have to enter the country within 90 days of issue. India wants 65.00 and the visa is only good for 6 months. All this adds up to 630.00 and a lot of time wasted. These countries do this because we do the same to them. Had I have known this earlier, I could have skipped Bolivia and Brazil. I mean Bolivia, if you've seen one Latin country......
We get the puppies at the end of July and TVB comes back from Thailand. The dog's name will be Lucy Karma-Moon(don't ask).
I have been feeling great and sleeping well. I go for my 3 month blood test on Thursday and this time I will check for the results the next week, that is if I was still clear at 30 days.
Magda and her friend from school have a 19 year old man/boy in their study group. Andy is a devout catholic who has chosen to be chaste until he is married. These two horn-toad ladies took it upon themselves to tell him how he needed to learn to satisfy his girlfriend before he married her. Poor Andy