We finally made it to Peru after a little delay in Miami. Our flight from Dallas to Miami left late and as we were landing our flight to Lima was taking off. The captain simply said, there are no connections. American Airlines was nice enough to put us up in a roach motel called the Blue Chateau. Things worked out well in the long run as we got to go to lunch in South Beach and then we flew out at 4 30 and landed in Lima at 10 pm. We changed hotels and stayed in the airport and hopped on a 10am flight to Cuzco. I was so relaxed that I totally forgot to get on the plane when it was time and we just made the door closing. I still have some residual brain fog or else Im experiencing the onset of alzhiemers. Tomorrow we head to the Sacred Valley and the next day we take a train and we stay overnight in Machu Picchu. After that its Lake Titticacca and then on to Bolivia. The US State Department has lifted its travel warnings as of last week so were good to go. The people of Peru are really quite lovely after all the hounding we experienced in India. They ask you to buy something once or twice and then they say OK, maybe tomorrow.
All is well and bye for now
How's the Oxygen level in Peru? I've heard the air is quite thin. Please take lots of pictures of Macchu Pichu.
I didn't know there were any travel restrictions on Bolivia? What was the picture in the post?
South Beach Miami. The Bolivian ambassador kicked out the US ambassador a few months ago and he was talking shit about the US and there were some riots. I guess they realize that they need our money so things have settled down
Wow do you get around!
I have had a few friends from Peru. They are such nice people...very layed back and friendly. Everyone of them that I know have come from extremely poor neighborhoods in Peru and have come to the US to escape the harsh living conditions they where in. Still each one of them speak so fondly of Peru and it's people.
Yes! Take lots of pictures! It's not often that we get to see the world through a friends eyes!
Take care of yourselves! Be careful!
WOW SOBe!! I was part of a group of people who almost bought the Edison Hotel (10th and Ocean) a few years back. I think Paris Hiltons' sister out bid us.
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